These grid tables include the capability for column value selection, similar to an HTML SELECT. 这些网格表包括了列值选择功能,类似于HTMLSELECT。
In cases where the platform allows altering the column data type, the list of data types available is pre-filled with the valid compatible data types for that platform, making the type selection easy. 在平台允许更改列数据类型的情况下,可用的数据类型预先填写有该平台的有效兼容数据类型,使类型选择更为容易。
Finally, in the improved example, you can see that the SQL statement and output do not include a dynamic column selection. 最后,在改进的示例中,您可以看到该SQL语句和输出没有包括动态列选项。
Thus, a qualified column reference is actually just a special case of the field selection syntax. 因此,一个全称的字段引用实际上只是一个字段选择语法的特例。
The earth pressure is calculated by using Rankin theory or Column theory. Selection of Working Fluids for Low-temperature Solar Thermal Power Generation Organic Rankine Cycles 通常采用朗金理论或库仑理论计算作用在挡土墙上的土压力.低温太阳能热力发电有机朗肯循环工质的选择
"Order: In Classical architecture, any of several styles defined by the particular type of column, Base, capital, and entablature they use" On selection between beam anchor column and column anchor beam in frame beam-column joint construction 柱式:古典建筑中,几种风格的柱式的总称,特别是以所使用的柱、柱框架梁柱节点施工中梁锚柱与柱锚梁方式选择
/ this is the standard tabbed wizard, two column selection box/ /这是标准的选项卡式向导(两列选择框)/
The column, is made of casting iron, will take various models of drilling units or tapping units at user's selection. 机器上的圆柱是由铁铸造而成的,使用者可以决定具体用什么样的钻孔攻丝模型。
Move the caret left one character, extending the column selection. "on computers that do not have same character code page." 将插入符号左移一个字符,扩展列的选定范围。“可能不能查看带扩展字符的短文件名。”
Register and record using status of each chromatographic column to facilitate selection and update. 各色谱柱的使用应予登记记录,以方便选择和更新。
Use text in the first column of your selection as legend text 将选定内容的第一列用作图例文本
Problems concerning lateral-flow intensity of infiltration test, precision of double-ring and single-ring tests, influence of nonuniformity of strata, error caused by the water column elevation in the ring; and the selection of the dimension of double ring are discussed. 分析了渗水试验侧向流动强度,双环与单环试验的精度,地层非均质的影响,环中水柱高度引起的误差,双环尺度的选择等问题。
STUDY OF RH NEGATIVE GROUP GENE IDENTIFICATION WITH COLUMN AGGLUTINATION TECHNOLOGY ve To assess the reliability of cross match of blood type and irregular antibody selection with column agglutination technology ( CAT). 应用柱凝集技术进行Rh血型抗原分型的研究目的探讨柱凝集技术间接抗人球法在交叉配血和不规则抗体筛检试验中的可靠性。
The paper analyzes the automatic pulp level control system for cyclonic-static fine-bubble flotation column from the aspects of the determination of control strategy, comparison of the level detecting and sensing devices, selection of the executor, pipeline design, etc. 从控制策略的确定、液位探测与传感装置的比较、执行机构的选择、管路的设计等方面对旋流-静态微泡浮选柱矿浆液位自动控制系统进行了分析。
Studies on Preparing Ion-chromatographic Column and Selection of Eluents 涂覆柱的离子色谱及淋洗液选择的研究
Column and Stationary Phase Selection in Gas Chromatography 气相色谱柱子和固定相的选择
Box-section column is the most important vertical member of high-rise steel structures, and the selection of the section directly affects the quantity of steel. 箱形截面柱是高层钢结构建筑中的主要竖向构件,对柱截面的选择直接影响整个结构的用钢量。
The design principle of the structural system of short column shear wall is introduced as well as the selection of common program for structure analysis. Based upon analysis of calculation results the earthquake resistant construction of short column shear wall is discussed. 阐述了短肢剪力墙结构体系的布置原则,介绍了常用结构分析程序的选择,对短肢剪力墙结构体系的计算结果作了分析,并对短肢剪力墙的抗震构造进行了探讨。
According to the foundation type selection problems of bulk grain storehouses three design form and mechanical behaviors of the single foundation under the column are analyzed in order to provide references for designers in foundation type selection. 针对粮库平房仓基础形式的选择问题,分析了柱下独立基础的三种常见形式的设计及受力情况,结合工程实例,为工程设计人员提供了基础选型的建议。
Moreover, designs of workshop space trusses such as column network dimension, structure type, joint location, and members selection were mentioned. 并对厂房网架设计中诸如柱网尺寸、结构形式、节点、构件选择等提出了一些看法供参考。
While Fluidized Flotation Column can realize the slime mixed selection. And the mechanism of separation is to introduce a rising water to extend the upper limit of the flotation column. 而流态化浮选柱能够实现煤泥混合入选,其分选机理是利用在浮选柱内引入上升水流来扩展浮选柱的分选粒度上限。